RIPE LIR Services

REVOLUTION PROVIDER SRL is a member of the RIPE NCC and for this can offer LIR services.

Please contact us on services[at]

AS Number


  • AS Number assigned at your company or natural persons

IPV6 PA /48


  • Subnet ipv6 /48 assigned to your AS from our subnet /29

IPV6 PI /48


  • Subnet ipv6 /48 assigned to your AS from RIPE directly

Pack AS + IPV6 PA /48


  • - AS Number assigned at your company or natural persons
  • - Subnet ipv6 /48 assigned to your AS from our subnet /29

  • With 55€ payment first time is included AS Number (value 40€) and one year of subnet (value 25€) (total 10€ discount)

Pack AS + IPV6 PI /48


  • - AS Number assigned at your company or natural persons
  • - Subnet ipv6 /48 assigned to your AS from RIPE directly

  • With 115€ payment first time is included AS Number (value 65€) and one year of subnet (value 65€) (total 15€ discount)